Andrew decided to be an "orange astronaut" for his Halloween parade at school. So much for the doctor costume. Maybe we can sell it on eBay. I think he was proud that he and "bubba" were both astronauts.
Unfortunately, Davis's costume keeps ripping out at the seam. We had it repaired last week at an alterations place, but this morning when he put it on, it ripped right back out...of course at 8:15 a.m. when we haven't had breakfast yet and need to leave by 9:00 a.m.
Luckily, my mom (who in her infinite wisdom must have seen this day coming, even 25 years ago) taught me how to sew when I was just a wee little thing. Somehow, I remembered how to thread the sewing machine this morning, and lovingly pinned and stitched the seams in the costume back together. Meanwhile, my precious boys were right beside me, watching PBS. It took me back many (many) years to the days when I sat by my own mom watching PBS while she sewed. The moment was fleeting, but very sweet all the same.
OK, so by the time we got to school, the seam had ripped out a third time. You know, I'm thinking in all the excitement of the day, no one even noticed!
Before the parties, all the kids were in a costume parade, and I was so happy to see my little astronauts as part of it! Andrew wanted to stay with me once he saw me in the crowd, but he was finally convinced to go back to his classroom with Ms. Brenda. Davis showed me some candy he had gathered along the way, and then kept right on going...probably in search of more candy.
Here's a shot of them together in Andrew's classroom...
Mom was doing a lot of running between classrooms, since Davis and Andrew had their parties at exactly the same time. Davis is pretty excited here about the treats he's getting...a cupcake in one hand and a "monster" lollipop in the other.
Davis is showing us his spider ring in this shot. Lucky for me, one of the other moms is a photographer and didn't mind snapping a photo of us.