Monday, September 21, 2009

It's Fall!!!

We've been anxiously awaiting the first day of fall and it's finally here! Well, I think technically we are a day early, but Davis and Andrew are so ready to put our pumpkins out front we can't wait another day.

It's not hard to tell from this picture that these are the fake pumpkins, is it? Well, that or Davis has been hitting the gym pretty hard.

Here's our finished product. Sadly, I have to admit that I have already managed to let the mum in this picture completely burn up, and have already had to replace it with another one. My next step is fake mums!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day of Preschool!

School has started again and Davis and Andrew are so excited! Their first day was August 31st, and they are going on M/W/F. Mommy forgot her camera on the first day (I was so caught up in remembering everything else and making sure we were on time) BUT, our sweet friend Ms. Karen had her camera and was kind enough to take a couple of pictures for us to capture the moment.

I even got to be in one with my sweet boys!
We are in front of Davis's building here. He is in the Busy Bees class this year and loves his teachers and classmates. Several friends that he knows are in there, so he was very happy running into the classroom and playing with them. He didn't even look back!
Andrew is in a different building (which will make class parties interesting this year!) and he is in the Precious Piglets class. His teachers are great, too. One of them he actually had this summer as well, so he's feeling good about things.
Davis has been sharing stories about what they learn in Chapel, and they have started at the beginning of the Bible with the story of creation. They work their way through during the school year, so they cover a lot. The teachers are doing a great job of reinforcing the lessons from Chapel in the classroom, too.
Overall, they have started out great and seem to love it! Andrew's first field trip is in a couple of weeks...we're going to Double Dave's...what could be better for my little pizza-lover!