Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Soooo hungry!

We are having Vacation Bible School this week at church. Since it goes until noon each day, we are all pretty hungry by the time we get done. Today the boys were being so good during our errands afterward that I decided to take them to one of their favorite places...Pei Wei! You can see that they are enjoying it!

The love edamame and have so much fun squeezing them out of the little bean pods. Today was especially good because Andrew shot one out that actually came flying across the table and hit Mommy in the cheek. I have to admit it was a pretty good shot, although accidental. I laughed a lot but then had to explain that it was only funny once...

Madeline was, of course, blissfully sleeping through all of it. Restaurants are just about her favorite place to nap.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Just couldn't resist

This was just too cute not to post. No event or outing to tell about...just hanging out at home taking random pictures.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Blue is not just for boys

We have gone a little pink crazy with Madeline being the only girl, but do have a few things that aren't just it's fun dressing her in something different every now and then. She was digging the bow today! I'm still trying to figure out hair accessories, but glad she has some hair to put them in. : )

Friday, June 18, 2010

Trip to the Aquarium

We took a trip to the Downtown Aquarium today! The boys had so much fun. It was our second trip and they loved it just as much the second time. But we need Daddy to go back with us and take them on all the rides. With Maddie along, I couldn't do the whole ride thing. Regardless, we had a fantastic time. Of course, I dressed Madeline in her finest aquarium-viewing attire...yes, that is a goldfish on her romper...

Here are Davis and Andrew at the entrance to the Aquarium:

Finding treasures inside...

...and trying to touch the stingrays!

We ate lunch there, including dessert, which for the boys was a shark-shaped rice crispy treat they could "paint" and then eat. So fun!!

This is Davis's new shark that he got on the trip. He is aptly named "Sharky"!

Monday, June 14, 2010

M is for Madeline

Here are a couple of shots of Madeline this morning. She couldn't quite stay up by herself...but managed to keep her balance long enough to get the shot! She seemed pretty proud of herself! What a cutie!!