Here they all are at the start of class, waiting for instructions.
Andrew waited on the sidelines with Mommy and did a lot of coloring. He cried for "bubba" a couple of times, but we made it through. 
The class headed out to the floor to warm-up and do some stretching...
After warm-up, they broke into groups of 3 kids each to rotate to different stations and try out different exercises. Here's Davis's first rotation, which was some kind of jumping/balance exercise. He did great...actually, I thought he was the best, and I'm not biased at all! ; )
His final rotation was the balance beam, and he was supposed to balance a frog on his head while walking across. One of his favorite things to do is try to balance walking across things, so you know he loved this one! They are waiting for their turn so patiently.
Here he goes...
And TA-DA!!! (they really do call that ending pose the "ta-da"!)
He had so much fun! I kept clapping and giving him big thumbs up signs, and he would give me a thumbs up right back. It's a 45-minute class, and he did great the whole time.
Don't know if we're ready for the Olympics just yet, but maybe after a few more classes!
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