Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Doctor or Astronaut?

Well, Andrew sprung a new one on me today. We were in the car talking about their Halloween costumes, and how Davis would be an astronaut and Andrew would be a doctor. Then Andrew busts out with "I don't want that."


After weeks of "I a doctor!" and asking for this costume? The day before their Halloween parade at school he decides he doesn't want that costume?!

OK, Andrew - what do you want?

"I an astronaut."

Hmmmm...he must really like Davis's costume. Lucky for Mom, we just happen to have an orange astronaut costume, size 2/3. Not so lucky for Mom, I took it to storage just yesterday. But they love to go to storage.

So we drive up to storage, all get out and troop in to find the costume. They had a blast, we found the costume really quickly, and now we wait...

What will he decide on tomorrow - doctor or astronaut????

(Now I can relate somewhat to what my parents must have felt when I changed majors five hundred times in college...what will she be? nurse, teacher, political scientist, geologist, mathematician?, accountant...and that didn't even stick too long. He must get it from me!)

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