Sunday, November 16, 2008

I wuv mama...

...oh, what wonderful words to hear! Tonight just as I was about to head for bed, Andrew woke up crying in his bed. Troy ran up to check on him, then moments later called down to say that Andrew was asking for me. He has a tendency these days to ask for whoever is not around, especially when he feels he has been wronged in some way. Hence, much of my day is spent listening to Andrew cry "I want my daddy!" whenever he is getting in trouble. I respectfully suggest to him that Daddy would agree with whatever punishment is being administered at the time, but it seems to make him feel better just to cry about it.

Anyway, I was up in his room rocking my baby boy who was cuddled in his long flannel Spider Man jammies and wrapped in his blanket. So sweet...what could be better? I whispered, "I love you, Andrew" and got the most wonderful response. In the slightest whisper, I heard "I wuv mama." Music to my ears. Nothing sweeter. Unless it was maybe "thank you, mama, for all the meals you cook, groceries you buy, toys you clean up, laundry you wash, fold, and put away, thank you, thank you, thank you!" But I'm really not expecting that until maybe age 35, if I'm lucky. ; )

For now, I am beyond thrilled to hear a whispered "I wuv mama" at any opportunity!

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