Saturday, June 6, 2009

It's a wonderful life

This has been the most wonderful day. We've had lots of family time, and it has been topped off by the best evening just hanging out in the back yard.

Davis got a new book today about dinosaurs, and he wanted to go out and read it in the hammock. Truly, a boy after my own heart.

Since I was taking a picture of Davis reading, Andrew also wanted his picture made, holding his very special "Pirate Uniqua".

And, we finally caught a glimpse of some houseguests we've had for a while...a family of doves who have nested in a corner of our back patio. We've seen Mama Dove there for a few weeks, and Daddy Dove was giving me some very harsh looks yesterday. Today, we saw the reason why - these precious babies they are protecting!

It's a shame they are up so high and we can't let the boys get a better look, but the picture is priceless.
Life is so good.

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