Thursday, July 2, 2009

Independence Day Cupcakes

We decided to make cupcakes for the upcoming July 4th holiday. My favorite mix to use is 'funfetti' because you get all the candy bits to sprinkle in the mix and on the icing. Davis and Andrew LOVE sprinkles! So does mommy, but they are the important ones here.

So, here they are on their chairs - lined up to do some serious baking.

Davis is very careful with the mixer. You can see he's taking it quite seriously.

Wouldn't you know that Andrew is just posing with a big grin for this? I think he's saying "stinky feet!" (instead of "cheese") I love little boys!

All right, the cupcake batter is in the muffin tin, ready to go. It is so hard to watch a 2 year old and a 4 year old try to fill muffin tins with cupcake batter without stopping to clean up every 2 seconds! I'm working on letting it go!

After the first batch had finished baking, they each picked out a spreader and set out to decorate their cupcakes. There was a lot of licking the spreader going on, so we just ate those right away.

They are so proud!

Check out their creativity - I let them go with the icing writers, and tried to help out a little, too. Needless to say, I am not good with icing writers...

Well, I tried for the first time to pipe on icing with a star tip. It takes a lot more than I expected, so next time I'll definitely get more icing. I still have a lot of practicing to do!

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